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The Path Of Agon

Updated: Jan 1, 2024

Cold numbing darkness, dreams of floating among stars, bright lights, and strange hooded figures...

Woman's voice" I can't do this, not again!"

Man's voice "we don't have any other choice! I don't want to do this either"

W "then don't! We can just take him, go back to our old home spend time with him... Just us... just as it used to be!"

M "please stop! I can't just do nothing... I- We... have to do this... we have to."

W "...what if he ends up all alone I... I cannot bare that thought"

M "he won't be. Uriel will be there to watch over him."


He feels the soft grass below him, gravity pulling him down into it, back from his cold weightless dreams, the songs of birds as gentle as a mother hums to her child,

Laying Here in the meadow embraced by nature, slowly growing aware of his surroundings the taps of the soft leaves falling on his pale skin the scent of flowers, and the sound of rushing water carried by the wind...

opening his jet-black eyes with a wisp of blue, a fading nebula in a cosmic void he stared into the bright sky...

His cold limbs thawing by warm threads of sunlight shining through the deep green canopy, the foliage flowing like water by the slightest


He tries to remember how he ended up here in this place, but... all he remembers are those voices and that strange dream,

lifting himself he looks around trying to spot anything that can tell him where he is but there are no pathways no buildings no signs of people ever being here... nothing but trees all around him, walking towards the edge of the forest his feet sink into the ground with each step as if the land is completely untouched...

he follows the sound of the water, and reaches a river,

walking down the stream with a blank look on his face, not a thought in his mind he becomes one with the rushing water,

hours later just as the sun was setting he reaches a glade where the river flows into a great lake surrounded by the forest in all directions...

Sitting by the lake he stares into the heavens with a longing in his eyes, those images from his dream flashing through his mind, and those voices who were they...

The night breeze grows colder and colder... Laying down he curls into himself trying to keep warm the light blue cloak he woke up in is all he has, he senses himself drifting away he didn't know if he was falling asleep or dying from the cold,

just before he closes his eyes he sees a glimpse of a tall figure approaching...

he smells fire hears the wet wood crackle and feels its warmth...


Waking up at dawn he sees the embers near him he wasn't dreaming, he did see someone last night...

he looks at the lake, it is calm, with barely any waves, reflecting the vibrant clouds...

he jumps up when he spots a person standing at the edge of the water, and runs toward the stranger,

A "Hello!"

The stranger tenses up for a moment

U "...hello."

A " I think I'm lost can you help me?..."

A "Were you the one who lit that fire last night?"

U "Yes, cold night...I am glad you are okay "

A "Thank you uh... What's your name? "

The stranger turns around, three glowing spots on his forehead, his face covered by a strange wooden mask that seemed to change expressions and move as he talks,

U "My name is Uriel"

he said with a worried smile.

A "...Uriel, do I know you? do you know... me?"

U "You are named Agon"

A "Agon... So you do know me!"

U "No I do not know you"

A "But you know my name... Is that my name? "

U "it is your name."

A "...okay"

U "Follow me"

Uriel walks away without another word

A "wait wher- oh okay I'll follow you"

they step into the forest and walk in a straight line Uriel seems to know exactly where to go even though there are no signs or trails...

moments later,

A "where are we going everywhere just looks the same"

U "somewhere safe, home"

A " oh. is it my home? yours?... Ours?"

U "Yes..."

A "wha- Which one! Okay, Stop. you knew my name and I sort of remember yours so what else do you know?! "

Uriel keeps walking

A "please...Why don't I remember anything?"

Agon stands still

A " I'm not gonna follow you unless you talk to me..."

Uriel looks back at him

"I only know your name, and that I am to watch over you, that is all, you can stay here in the wilderness or follow me to a safe home the choice is yours"

Agon now clearly remembers that voice he heard in his dream, "Uriel will be there to watch over him..."

A "... Okay, okay... I'll follow you"

U "all right, good, do not worry I am sure we will figure things out in time..."

A "yeah... I'm sorry"

U "do not be sorry, I should have been clear"

. . .

A "so... did you also just wake up in the forest one day?"

U "I have been alone here for a long time it is difficult to remember"

after a long pause, Agon spoke

A "I got it!"

U "hmm? "

A "I figured it ALL out"

U "oh really?"

A " we were playing in the forest and we were buddies and then BOoF-

U "boof?"

A " It's a falling um, a falling stick-

U "do you mean a tree branch?"

A" Yes! we both got hit on the head by a tree branch! and that's why we know each other's names and that you're supposed to watch over me because you're the tallest.

U "because I am the tallest...

A "oh! what if we're brothers instead!? "

Uriel laughs

U "I do not see the resemblance Agon"

A "I guess you're right your face is made of wood and mine's all squishy... we still could've been buddies!"

U "sure Agon we will go with that theory for now "

Agon smiles


after walking in the dense forest for hours

they reach another clearing the afternoon sunlight pours on a small log cabin giving them a warm welcome

U "there it is! home."

A "Whoa! did you build this?

U "I did! you will be safe here..."

A " come there are no other houses around... no other people"

U " we... might be the only ones left."

A "whoa... What do you think happened to everyone..."

. . .

A "well I hope they're all in a peaceful place just like here"

U " they could be... here, with us."

A "huh!? "

U "the core of every living thing, is the same, those trees, the birds, you, me... "

A " the same... how??"

U "Picture a spring with a small stream constantly flowing into a lake, that is the soul of every living thing,

the spring is their life energy, endless, ever flowing till the end of time,

the lake is how they exist in the world and the role they play, it is always changing and only temporary...

because every once in a while the stream shifts Its course the old lake dries, and the spring flows elsewhere, forming an entirely new lake and thus an entirely new existence, they are not completely gone they are just... different now."

A "so...they could be these trees all around us?"

U "perhaps, they are lucky if they are, it sounds nice being a tree, showering in the rain, having sunlight for breakfast"

A "but... the log cabin..."

U " do not think about it too much Agon."

A "okay..."

U "you should get inside, rest up, I need to go somewhere it is not far but I'm going be gone for a while "

A "wait no I'll come with you!"

U "no you should stay, it is safer for you here"

A "what if- what if I lose my memories again what if we both do!"

U "I promise that will not happen... but here-

Uriel takes out a white glowing string with a small hook on each side, he attaches it to his wrist wrapping it once and hooking it onto itself, and hands Agon the other end

nothing can tangle or cut this string if anything happens we can still find each other"

A "Uriel..."

U " I told you, It is not that far, now go inside"

A "...okay."

Agon hesitantly goes inside and closes the door making sure to slip the string under the door first, looking around the cabin there isn't much a fireplace on the right, a table with two chairs on the left a few shelves with wooden and straw baskets, and some clay pots, a small bed at the corner, too small for Uriel, it's like it was made just for him the bed is made out of woven leaves must have taken him so long...

Agon sits on the bed, hooks the string on the bed frame, and lays down it's oddly much more comfortable than it looks, his tense body finally relaxes and he falls asleep almost immediately...

he keeps waking up throughout the night to the ground shaking and a distant booming sound he couldn't tell if it was real or if he was dreaming but either way he goes back to sleep until he has a strange dream a glimpse into a world so odd yet so familiar...

broken machines wrapped in vines, crumbling walls, and in the distance

just out of focus red silhouettes... people but none of them are moving... they're all frozen in place, some laying on the ground some look like they were running away covering their faces but from what...

it shook him awake he sat up his heart pounding, ears buzzing feeling as if he saw something he shouldn't have seen a glimpse into a cracked metal door all his memories right there, and if he only pushes further he'd know everything for a moment he hesitated and that was enough for the door to seal shut... he flung himself back to bed grinding his teeth...

he spends hours staring at the wooden ceiling...

till he feels Uriel's string tugging lightly as if he's gathering it on the way home, he gets up and opens the door, the cold midnight breeze rushes into the warm cabin the pure forest air fills every corner with a light scent of night jasmine,

He sits on the stairs gazing into the starry sky focusing on one star at a time and letting his mind wander...

moments later a voice calls out

U "what are you doing outside it is freezing"

It's Uriel carrying firewood in one arm and gathering the string with the other

A "you're back!"

Uriel smiles

U "come on let us get inside"

Uriel hands Agon the string and they get inside,

U "do you want me to show you how to light a fire?"

A " oooh yes! please show me!"

U "okay! you need to put the largest branches down first then the small twigs and dry tree bark or grass at the very top that is where you start your fire "

A "okay, and how do you start the fire?"

U "there are many ways, and I will teach you all of them, but for now, we will start with this -

Uriel takes out a piece of shiny metal and a flint stone and flicks the flint creating bright sparks

A "Whoa!"

U "here you can try, aim it at the kindling"

Agon's eyes light up he does as Uriel tells him pointing at the kindling he holds his breath and with one flick he lights a flame

A "I did it!"

U "and on your first try too!"

A "yeah! I control fire!"

U "okay calm down hand it over before you set the whole cabin on fire"

Agon gives the metal and flint back and smiles

A " thank you, Uriel"

Uriel smiles warmly

U "you are welcome... are you hungry?"

A "I think so..."

U "we only have this for now-

Uriel brings down a straw basket from a shelve it's filled with chestnuts

U "I have to score them first"

A "can I help! Please?"

U" all right just be careful-

Uriel takes a clay pot, fills it with water, and sets it just near the flame to warm, then he grabs two stone knives and hands Agon the smaller one and shows him how to hold it,

Agon stares at the knife

A" did you make these?"

U" focus on what I'm doing Agon-

sitting on the floor he starts scoring the chestnuts on the side of the stone fireplace and dropping them into the pot of warm water,

Agon does the same and gets it right away, the warmth of the fire and the scent of chestnuts fills the cabin,

Agon's mind starts to wander, he wondered if he should tell Uriel about that dream... maybe he knows something... His vision goes blurry and the knife slips

A "Ow! I cut my finger!"

U "are you okay! Let me see"

Agon hesitantly unfurls his hands and looks at his thumb...

A "there's... Nothing there... But I felt it I- I saw blood!"

He looks up at Uriel

Uriel looked just as confused as him

U "all right calm down you are tired and hungry... just-

Uriel looks at the knife that Agon is still holding

following his gaze Agon lifts the knife and points it at the palm of his other hand

U "Whoa! Agon! What are you doing!"

A " I Know what I saw Uriel!"

U "Agon, please! Just hand over the knife!"

Agon almost stabs himself but Uriel rushes in and snatches the knife away

Uriel looks at him with a furious expression

A "... I'm... I'm sorry Uriel... I-

Uriel interrupts him

U "do not ever! do something like that again Agon. do you understand me?"

A "yes..."

U "good.., drink some water and go lay down I will tell you when food is ready"

Agon does as he's told, laying in bed facing the wall he doesn't care about whatever just happened anymore... he only feels bad for how he reacted, he promises himself to never panic like that ever again even though he feels lost in many ways he must hold on to what he knows is real...

even if it's just simple things...the bed... the wall facing him... the sound of the wind behind it... the glow of the fire revealing every small stripe and scratch on the wood... Uriel's shadow... Uriel.

. . .

after a while they sit down to eat in silence Uriel peels the chestnuts and puts them on Agon's plate

Agon with his mouth full

A "aren't you hungry too?"

U "not really, I can eat later, here have more-

A "okay...ooh! I want that big one, can I peel it?"

U "it is not as easy as it looks but here you go"

Agon immediately cracks it, and it crumbles and goes flying everywhere he looks back at Uriel

A "oh no. I'm sorry! you were right I'll just-

Agon tries to clean it up

Uriel sees that Agon still feels guilty for how he behaved earlier

U "Agon... no sit-down Agon eat, it is okay we will clean this later "

. . .

The forest around them erupts into life with the singing of birds as the sun rises...

Uriel gets up and starts getting ready to head out he takes a wooden basket and places a large clay pot for storing water inside

Agon thinks he's going to leave without him again...

standing by the door he looks back at Agon

U "come on I want to show you something"

Agon smiles

A "okay!"

leaving the warmth of the cabin they headed into the forest, the colorful dawn sky was so beautiful Agon is only noticing it now...the vegetation grew denser as they kept walking towards their destination.

A "so where are we going?"

U " We need fresh water"

A " NOoo! are we going all the way back to the lake?!"

Uriel smiles

U" No the water from that lake is not good for drinking, this is much closer"

A " oh!"

U "you can hear the water from here... focus"

A " hmm it sounds like... water trickling but, louder?"

U " Exactly! because there is more than one source"

A " oh, so is it like many tiny springs?"

U "not quite but almost right, you see they are not just springs but a living breathing organism-

Uriel pushes aside the curtains of greenery blocking the path revealing a strange massive tree, water pouring from its branches into a surrounding reservoir overflowing with crystal clear water.

- we are here!

A "Whoa! it's a water tree!?"

U "I call them Aquifer Trees they provide fresh water for all the life you see around you, they have tube-like roots that pull and filter water from deep underground, there are many throughout the forest without them this place would be a desert."

A "This is incredible! look how clear this water is"

U " well yeah as I said it flite-

Agon starts running toward the water

-no no no you cannot swim here!"

he jumps in, belly first

U " Agon!

After struggling for a second he emerges and with water up his nose he spoke

A "Ugh ya- ugh yaay I can swim!"

U "Seriously! you have no memories you could have drowned!"

A "just look at this water Uriel look at it! Aaah my nose"

U " it looks tempting because it is for drinking!"

A "mm! it tastes a bit sweet"

U " just get out!"

A "okay fine!"

U "I cannot keep you safe if you are this reckless Agon"

A "I'm sorry..."

U " do not be sorry... be careful.

U "come on let us do what we came here to do help me fill up this pot and take it back home... then we will go somewhere you can swim in all you want"

Agon gets excited

A "okay!"


on the way back home Agon's soaked cloak dripping with water as he tries to hide the fact that he's shaking from the cold fearing Uriel would scold him further for jumping into the reservoir

A "hey Uriel"

U "Hmm?"

A "I don't wanna swim anymore, I just wanna go home."

U "Okay then...maybe another day. "

. . .

U "are you cold?"

A "a-am okay"

U "I can see that you are shaking Agon"

A "I'm not!"

U "you know... this is a good time to learn about the consequences of acting without thinking"

A" What is the conse- conse-kensess"

U "Consequences"

A "Yes that"

U "it is the cold you feel now for jumping in that reservoir back there"

A "I don't get it, and I'm not cold!"

U "...Slap my hand"

Agon does it immediately without hesitation

Uriel slaps him back

A "Oww! you told me to do it! what was that for!? "

U "Consequences."

A "Oooh... no I still don't get it"

U "you know what... I have a gift for you."

A "Oh? what is it!"

U "here -

Uriel hands him a small book

- can you read?"

A "Dicto-Nary"

U "Close enough, it is a Pocket Dictionary to help you learn new words"

A "Oh! Like conse-kensess!?"

U "Consequences, yes, look for that one first it will help you understand,

it helped me a lot in the past I'm sure it will do the same for you"

A "Thank you!"

U "You are welcome"

Suddenly the ground starts shaking, Loud booming sounds nearby

A "What is happening! Uriel!"

Uriel dropped the basket he was carrying and mumbled to himself

U "That sounded close... I can do this... I can finally do this."

A "Uriel!"

U "Agon! Listen to me do you know the way back home!?"

A "I-I think so but- Uriel..."

U "Look I cannot explain much, I need you to run back home for now "

A " okay!... but wait!"

Agon hands Uriel the string

Uriel hesitates for a moment and looks at Agon with a worried smile then he wraps it again around his wrist and hooks it.

U "I will be back soon... with a much greater gift. "

A " promise?"

U "I promise, now go!"

Agon runs without looking back slipping between trees jumping over fallen branches his heart beating fast his cold wet cloak dragging him back but he keeps going.

just as he sees the cabin beyond the trees the shaking starts again the air feels heavy

Uriel's string snags stopping Agon in his tracks it's being pulled upwards and away he feels it vibrating holding on to it with all he has, his bare feet digging into the ground as he cries out


He hangs on to the tallest tree near him with one hand and holding the string in the other he starts climbing up, the string pulling him along painfully

A" AAAH! d-don't go... URIEL!"

The string starts cutting into his wrist


fighting through the pain he kept climbing until he could no longer feel it, mumbling to himself

A "please don't leave...

you promised...

please, Uriel... "

finally, he could see the bright sky through the thick canopy, with his tear-clouded eyes he traced the string the other end piercing into the sky, and for a split second there among the clouds

he sees a massive shadow, a beast with many wings, the string leading straight into it...

Just before he can process what he's looking at, it vanishes into thin air with a loud boom,

the string snaps back,

Agon slips and plummets down the tree...

His small body hitting the ground with a loud thud, his fear his sorrow...

it all goes dark.

To be continued...

The Path Of Agon is inspired by this song ( Uneven Odds)

by Sleeping At Last <3 Check it out !!!

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